Welcome to FollowTheFunks.com!


I am travel writer and photographer, expat blogger and former podcaster for FunkTravels. Since living in Turkey, I have become a part time language learner as well. Before our 2016 move, I was a university study abroad coordinator in the USA. Before that I lived in Turkey and Afghanistan for a combined 4 years total. I am married to the most patient and loving husband who I met the first time I lived in Turkey a decade ago (hence living in Iowa where he is from and hence the reason we moved back here). Other fun facts, I am a Louisiana born and raised, believer, big time dreamer but a sometimes doer, unsuccessful multi-tasker, runner, and huge of course, a travel lover.
I write here to share with friends and family our ‘normal’ lives, glimpses of daily lovelies, Izmir specific events and roadie ramblings about our adventures as we are making this transition to life in Turkey.

With a background in computer engineering, he owns a software consulting company called Tough Space. He would NEVER ever tell you this, but since I run the most of the writing here then I get to brag on him! He is good at what he does, and even better, he enjoys it. His work is his hobby, and his hobby is his work. Point being his newest project, ForeignNumbers. Our international move and our expat lifestyle in Turkey this last year would not be possible without his hard work of creating a job that is flexible and allows remote work. God has been good to bless these plans!
We are a team. I clean/laundry, and he cooks. He edits my writing and any creative ideas we have like our former FunkTravels Podcast and now FollowingtheFunks, and I run our website/social stuff. He cheers me on or slows me down when I come to him with too many ideas and dreams.

Sofia, our beauty and joy, joined our family in November 2018 via a private adoption in Turkey. It’s a longer story, but a great place to start is HERE.
She is a spunky, loving, and kind, and we can’t imagine our life without her.

We are the Funks! Currently, we live in Izmir, Turkey.
Iowan boy met Louisiana gal when we first lived in Turkey as just two single folks, a decade ago. But no love at first sight for us. We stayed friends for almost 5 years before Jason asked Catie out (finally). Dated for a year, engaged for 5 months, and now married for now 4 years! In August 2016, we made the move back to Turkey, for the second time, but this time together as husband and wife.
Our hearts desired something different than the ‘American Dream.’ It may not always be the case that we are allowed the honor to live this way and it isn’t always easy (we left 8, yes EIGHT, now 13 adorable nieces and nephews in the states). BUT we are thankful for the time we have now and these memories we are making with new friends!
So, basically, our family is just living the expat life, learning the language and exploring all Izmir has to offer! Through 50 bi-weekly podcast episodes, we charted our intentional dream for internationally living and ups and downs of our big international move.
More recently we moved from sharing our lives via our 50 episode podcast, FunkTravels Podcast, to a more visual avenue, FollowingTheFunks. Check out some of our recent videos and let us know what you think!
Not sure where to start? Learn about our values and our vision.