
Episode040: When you find some flow for your work

following the funks podcast
Episode040: When you find some flow for your work

Episode 40 y’all! When we started this podcast in January of 2016, we weren’t so sure that it would still be going. But almost 2 years later and 1 summer break, we love that we have a record of our travels and international move from the U.S.A. to Turkey! We hope you will dip into […]

Episode038 FunkTravels Podcast

Episode038: When you spend a month together in Asia

following the funks podcast
Episode038: When you spend a month together in Asia

In this episode, we cover our WHOLE month-long travel through SouthEast Asia with our friends Eric and Ashley. So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

FunkTravels Episode035 Web

Episode035: When you take a break for the summer

following the funks podcast
Episode035: When you take a break for the summer

Hello! In Episode035, we talk all our upcoming summer travels. You may remember our friends, Eric and Ashley, from the sailing trip in Episode017 and yet again in our Prague/New Years travels in Episode026. Well, we will tell you all about our new summer travel schedule with them starting in June. I won’t ruin the surprise here, but listen in […]